Business & Technology

A vast majority of workers aren’t happy with what they’re being paid

With salary transparency laws sweeping the country that has prompted many employees to talk about their salaries, companies are quickly learning how their employees...

Elon Musk is reportedly on track to become the world’s first TRILLIONAIRE by 2027

Elon Musk is on track to become the world's first trillionaire by 2027, according to a new global wealth report. Musk, 53, is...

Former Peloton billionaire CEO, John Foley reveals he’s ‘lost all his money’

Former Pelton CEO, John Foley, who once boasted a $US1.9 billion fortune, has revealed he has lost all of his money following his time...

How Jeff Bezos makes $3.5 million an hour, Amazon workers struggle with less pay

Although currently behind Bernard Arnault and Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos is one of the richest individuals in the world. According to Forbes’ “The World’s Real-Time Billionaires” index, his net...

Bill Gates explains how AI will change lives in 5 years

Bill Gates is now predicting that AI technology will be transformative for everyone within the next five years. The rise of AI raises fears that...


